Don't just take our word about Annette's abilities,
personal support and encouragement.
This is what previous clients have said:
“I was on holiday for two weeks of the healing and I felt I was going through some emotional change. I found the meditations a comfort - especially the garden meditation. I did start to dream a lot more once I started the 21 day healing. I particularly got a lot out of day 4 - "Experiences of loss" which followed the death of our lovely cat. Day 11 was a revelation to me. When I first read it, I didn't really see the relevance, but it grew on me and I started to do the Loneliness to Love meditation. The change has been subtle yet profound and I'm feeling much more connected - generally. Day has been particularly good for me. I have been using the technique regularly, and have felt a change in my knee, which is hurting less and is more flexible. The emails kept me connected and I believe that I have found the distant healing better than face to face.”— Daphne, UK
“I found the 21 days a great experience which grew from day to day In fact I spent all day Sunday (day 21) waiting impatiently for it to arrive. I now feel a bit flat and am missing my daily emails. I think this programme would be of great benefit to everyone - even if it only made them re-evaluate themselves. It was as good as a workshop (if not better).”— Richard G, UK
“The first thing I noticed was how I became more inwardly focused. As a result my core values became more evident or activated should I say! An example of this is as usual in the relationship area. It is like having a friend or mother encourage you and remind you of how things truly are. It's so easy to get caught up in everyday life and take things too personally. Receiving the emails and even re-reading them now is very supportive. I also like that I can print the daily mails and re-read them, thereby processing even deeper or maybe resonating with something I missed on the first read. It's an easy way to meditate and to start or further your spiritual development without having to physically go out or join a group. If you are willing to take the time to process the daily mails and listen to the meditations you will notice inner changes.”— Paola M, UK
“Thank you for all your kindness and friendship you offered when I needed an ear, a shoulder to lean on and advice on my path. I am very grateful to have been blessed with your loving energy at that dark time. May you always be happy and gifted and blessed with an abundance of success in your business and life. I look forward to seeing you for healing from time to time. Blessed be.”— Malissa
“Annette this email was like magic! The timing was right as well. I began to read and my mind clear and I began to breath deeply and take it all in. It is beautifully written, the pace, the paragraphs, the spacing... I felt loved!! Abundant, powerful and calm at the same time. I am grateful for this time you have supported me.”— Ana P, Venezuela
“Thank you so much for reading my cards. I felt so much more positive after! Fingers crossed I meet my "King" - soon! Lots of Love xxx.”— Andy
“Just wanted you to know that this particular healing was just what I needed today... I was feeling exactly how you described and as soon as I read the words I immediately felt a shift. In fact, I know since starting this that something is occurring because I'm feeling all sorts of emotions and body ailments.”— "P", UK
“Annette is clearly a very gifted healer and I always feel better when I've seen her. I often think of her as a spiritual counsellor. I find the sessions very easy and very relaxing, so I actually enjoy them and always have confidence that I will come away feeling somehow lighter or clearer or more positive, or all of the above. I really value and appreciate all the help and guidance I have received and happily recommend her to others. I know I have achieved far more in the last few months than I would have done without the benefit of her special abilities and I am much happier with myself and my life than I was before.”— "JK"
“Just wanted to say thank you for all your advice today. I've been thinking a lot about what you said and feel happier and more relaxed already. You should become a life coach as a sideline! Take care.”— Katy
“I just want to say a BIG "Thank you" for all the help and advice you have given me these past months. I know I am one of many clients that you have, but you always seem to make us feel special and worthwhile. It is a wonderful gift that you have. We'll see you very soon. Lots of Love xxx.”— "D"
“Making changes in our lives is all about us opening up to possibilities, going beyond our fears and letting go of emotions, beliefs, situations and relationships that hold us back and keep us stuck. Having this kind of support was amazing and so strengthening. I felt so much opening up and changing and was reminded every day when reading the daily emails that none of us are really alone and we deserve to live a life we love. Love has the power to change everything and I certainly felt the power of that love for 21 days and beyond. This is about changing your life permanently - this is not just a quick fix to deny or avoid what's going on in life - it helps you move beyond what's there once and for all knowing you have the support and that the Universe is backing you all the way. I'll definitely be joining Annette's next group.”— Charlie B, UK
“Thank you. Your kindness, encouragement, support and guidance have really helped me these past few months. I especially thank you for teaching me how to develop my own inner strength and to listen to and trust inner wisdom. I'm so glad I met you. P.S. I've been trying to write this note for a couple of weeks now. Sometimes when you have something sincere and important to express the words just won't flow. With love and thanks.”— Caroline
“I feel so much better after seeing you on Monday. I got such a lot out of it. I was completely blown away for the rest of the day - it was very powerful stuff, it was the best thing I have ever experienced. Thank you.”— Susan S
“You are a gift from God! I wish you all your heart's desires too! Thank you very much!”— Nicki B
“A letter to say "thank-you" for all your help. Moving house is traumatic at the very best of times and we rarely have those for long!! You helped my wobbly moments with extraordinary clairvoyance. I can say that you are the most accurate and confident person I have been to in many years; although strangers, it was as if you had known me and my thoughts and hopes intimately. Thank you again.”— Cheryl K
“Annette 21 Days is gradual process of releasing yourself from shackles that have kept you back for many years and walking out into the sunshine at last! The meditations are worth their weight in gold and keep you calm and grounded throughout the course. The programme has had a positive impact on my relationships. In one particular example I found myself far more capable to stay calm when things were difficult and also to be far more honest with myself and the other person. This is possibly the first time in my life that I have been able to discuss a relationship with such honesty and really speak from the heart. It also seems to have had a positive impact on him too! I have also felt far less stressed and instead of constantly trying to force things, I have been able to relax and wait for things to happen at the right time. Generally I have felt more powerful and far more able to meet challenges along the way. I have also found myself to be far more proactive and less inclined to procrastinate. Another bonus is that I'm feeling far more confident and am finding myself taking a few more risks than usual out of my comfort zone. A lot of the fear that I've been carrying around seems to have melted away. If you live away and don't have access to such workshops, like in my situation, this is a wonderful way to be able to experience healing from a distance and quite obviously you don't need to be there in person.”— Jane M, UK